Friday 9 September 2016


Hello and salam "sehati sejiwa". That would be the theme of Independence Day for 2016. Today I would like to talk about the its definition. As we know, 31st of August is the Malaysian Independence Day.


Last week on the 30th of August, I visited the National Monument (Tugu Negara) with my brothers. It was my first time there, and I found out that the statue is to memorize the soldiers and national heroes who fought to get independence and freedom. On our way to the national monument park, we could see many Malaysians expressing their patriotism towards their culturally unique country. They raise the Malaysian flag, also know as Jalur Gemilang, on their vehicles, balconies of their homes and government buildings all over Kuala Lumpur to celebrate the Independence Day on the next day - 31st of August.

Independence Day taught us to be grateful with what we have and how far has our country developed. From being a country colonized by the British, to become one of the most developed country in this region. Now, we have our own car brand like Proton. We also now have our own astronaut, a pride of our country. Our country also have many athlete who make surprise in Olympic Rio by winning the Olympic medals. The gold medal is still elusive, but I am confident that we will get it soon.

In a nutshell, we should appreciate the freedom that we have now, as it didn't come to us easily. Malaysia is the collective work of our brave soldiers and national heroes to free our country, and many more after that to develop it to where we are now. It is important for us to always stay "sehati, sejiwa", support and respect each other. I am PROUD TO BE A MALAYSIAN.

Sunday 28 August 2016

The Advantages of Second Language

Salam and hello guys, it has been a few weeks since I started this blog. one of the main reason is to improve my English. In Malaysia, English is considered as a second language. Today i would like to tell you more about the advantages or the importance of mastering a second language. For your information, it is estimated that up to 7000 different language are spoken around the world. Many are able to speak more than one. Now let see the advantages of mastering the second language.

The first advantage is better job prospects. If you can master more then one language, it would be an advantage when looking for a job. By learning a second language, you will be indispensable at your place of work. You also can also find a job from other countries if you like if you are fluent in the language the people in that country speak.

The second of advantages is the doors are opened to you around the world to meet new friends. With the internet, you will have no problem to meet new people from other countries, and a second language like English will make it easier for you to communicate them.Your personal experience of culture can also be enhanced when you open yourself to the possibilities another language offers.

Also, knowing a second language is great for travel. Mastering more than one language opens up possibilities for vacation destination. It will be easier to ask for directions and order food and other services. Imagine traveling around the world will if you can speak all of the language in the world. Everything would be easier.

On that note, I have always wanted to travel to Madrid, Spain, so I may have to learn Spanish as a THIRD language. Well, a man can dream.

Thanks for reading.

Friday 19 August 2016

Inspirational Movie - The BFG

Salam and good morning guys. I overslept today. Probably because I slept quite late last night.

I went for a night movie session with my friends. We decided to watch The BFG because my friend said it was directed by Steven Spielberg and it is going to be a good movie. It is based on the novel by Roald Dahl, and is about a 10 year old orphan named Sophie and her adventure with the "Big Friendly Giant" - BFG.

===Warning! Spoilers ahead. You have been warned!===

Actually she was kidnapped by the giant because she saw him walking around at night and he do not want her to tell anyone about it. She was taken to Giant Country where the other nine giants live. They are different from the friendly BFG. They are "man eating cannibals", a lot bigger, ruthless, and like to bully the smaller BFG and call him "Runt".

Sophie was mad because BFG did nothing to stop the bullying, and told him to be brave and stand up to them. I find this so inspirational. He is brave enough to tell them to stop bullying him and destroying his house, even though he is smaller and weaker than the other giants.

Another moment that inspired me was the moment when Sophie invited BFG to meet the Queen of England to help them get rid of the bad giants and stop them from kidnapping and eating children. At first BFG was scared about his safety, but after being persuaded by Sophie, he started to think more positively and asked the Queen for assistance. In the end, the Queen agreed to help them and sent soldiers on helicopters to catch the bad giants.

They were sent to a desolate island where they cannot kidnap children anymore, and only able to plant and eat "snozzcumbers" In the end, Sophie was adopted by the queen's assistant, and BFG live happily in the Giant Country.

Snozzcumber. That is one HUGE cucumber.

We finished the movie at about 1 am. I was tired when we got home, but it was worth it. The movie had just opened in Malaysia yesterday, so I recommend people to watch it as it is a good movie with different moral stories in it. As for myself, I'm just going to look around if I can find some "frobscottle" drink and play some pranks on people. 

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Favourite activities among teenagers

Assalamualaikum, how are you guys?

I just came back from the field. Played some football with a few friends. We have a good sports facility here in Bandar Baru Bangi, and it is just near KPTM. There were a lot of teenagers there, playing different types of sports. Football, rugby, futsal, or just jogging around the track.

Sports is one of the most popular activities that teenagers like to do when they are free. Some prefer regular sports, some like extreme sports, like paintball, rock climbing, and go-kart. I saw a paintball arena at the sport centre. When I was younger, I used to want to be a soldier. Maybe I will give it a try later.

Some teenagers do not really like physical activities. If you are reading my blog now on your computer or phone, maybe your favourite activity is surfing the net. I think it is the most popular activity among teenagers, as everybody have access to the internet nowadays. Some go online just to finish their assignment or homework. Other teenagers do it for fun. They can get new information through reading online newspapers and blogs.Social media is also very popular nowadays. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, all the websites and apps make it easier for people to meet new people and get in touch with each other.

With different activities to choose from, it is important for teenagers to know that is good and what is bad for them. Teenagers is the next generation who will make sure the nation will grow stable, economically and socially. Know what is right and what is wrong, and balance your favourite activities with your studies and everyday life.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday 4 August 2016

First week at KPTM Bangi

Assalamualaikum. My name is Hazrin Syah bin Razak. I am from Kota Bharu, Kelantan. This is my first blog and i so nervous because this is my first blog and i don't have any experience about blogging. But today, i will try my best to talk about my first week at Kolej Poly Tech Mara Bangi, also known as KPTM Bangi.

The 16th of July 2016 was my biggest day because on that day I would be known as a student of KPTM Bangi, a diploma in accounting student. At 10AM, I had to come to KPTM Bangi to register for this intake. After done with the registeration session, my family came to take me to KPTM Bangi hostel about 300 meters from KPTM Bangi. In my opinion, the hostel room is not too big, but all the basic necessities are complete. I saw some of the parents waiting for their daughter to check in to the hostel. My room at the third floor, and I also have two roommates.

                                                              Hostel of KPTM Bangi

At 5PM that day, the orientation session started, handled by senior students. The orientation went on for three days. During this orientation, I got the cahnce to meet new friends from all over Malaysia, although most of them are from Selangor and Perak.

After done with the orientation session, the class started. First time in the class, I feel very thankful because all of my lecturer and classmate are caring and good.

Finally, i feel very happy and excited to continue my studies in KPTM Bangi after I was done with the SPM examination and got new friends.